Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Err, can I give feedback when I want to?

So I can be a bitch of a customer, but mostly not. Those moments are reserved solely when life is being a bitch to me. And this post is about one of those moments:

I lost my wallet and discovered that an hour later while I was snacking on the road. Frenzied track-backs revealed that I was indeed a pauper-for-now :( After some pouting and whining, it was time for some action. Other than money and some email addresses I'd copied on tissues from my trip to Thailand, the other valuable in my wallet was my bank card. So I called the bank and asked them to freeze the account. So far so good. Now this lady on the phone asked me if I would give some feedback about her to some other lady in the bank. 'It will only take a moment ma'am'. Ok I said, I've got a moment. Clearly this is where I made a mistake. I was harried as I had to get to the bank to fill up some forms for card-replacement and shouldn't have offered to do this, but I did.

So Lady No.2 came on the line, and started asking me questions about my overall helpdesk experience. 'Did you get through the first time?' No. 'How many times did you try before you got through?' Four. 'Was the voice on the other end a)Friendly b) Curt.....' Aackk, hold it right there! I can't answer these right now, can you call me some other time?' But ma'am it will only take a few moments. 'Was this the first time you.... '

So that was it. I can't replicate my conversation with the lady but I can assure you it wasn't pretty. Why are you throwing this at me? Where were you when I had to get a coupon at your bank and wait in line for 40 minutes to get a simple question answered? Where were you when I wanted to inquire about my account and your helpline just DID not get through? HOW can you ask for my time when I'm least willing to give it? Do you really care about my experience when what you offer more often than not is mediocrity? Go away you super-inefficient-but-pretending-to-be-so-caring-concerned-jerks. Get out of my face!
