Thursday, January 04, 2007


Vipassana's over. I step out of the Auditorium and stand atop the stairs... the warm stone under my fingers feels blissful. I look up and wonder what doesn't here.

The sky's blue is interspersed with blobs of white. The breeze fluctuates between mild and wild, the water underneath ripples, yellow-brown leaves diving into it, birds are in their regular

Meditation inside and celebration outside? Or have I got it wrong? I shrug and head for Buddha Grove. My heart wants to dance right now. Philosophy can take a walk (or a dance!)

Music wafts into my ears and my feet break into a semi-run. I joyfully abandon my stuff on the side and plunge into the celebrations. The trees bend back and forth, the bamboos rattle, eagles sore high above... butterflies flutter and watch from a distance, maroon robes sway everywhere... I close my eyes and let my body move to the rhythm of the universe. Hands up, feet flying, spine curling and stretching. My eyes open and close, watching the beauty surrounding me and filling me up. A feeling of belongingness to the sky and the earth envelops me... I am celebrating!!

Sweating but refreshed, I'm done as the music mellows down and sit on the side.... the Grove is packed now with people dancing, enjoying their aloneness, their togetherness.. some with laughter, some silently..

Suddenly Osho's voice fills the air... ears are cocked and smiles are wide as celebrations soar to another level!

As his words fade away.. they play Alanis' Morisette's song 'Thank you'...

I get up.. my body sways, tears fall, I sing along, hands folded in gratitude...

"The whole universe is a dance. Unless you can dance, you cannot become a part of it. Meet this dancing universe in a dancing way! Go to this celebration in a celebrating mood!" - OSHO

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